40. The Book of al-'Aqiqah


For a boy, two sheep

It was narrated from 'Amr bin Shuaib, from his fahther, that his grandfather said: "The messenger of Allah was asked about the 'Aqiqah and he said: "Allah, the mighty and sublime, does not like Al-Uquq' as if he disliked the word (Al-Aqiqah). He said to the Messenger of Allah: 'But one of us may offer a sacrifice when a child is born to him.' He said: 'Whoever wants to offer a sacrifice for his child, let him do so, for a boy; two sheep, Mukafaatan, (of equal age), and for a girl, one.' (One of the narrators) Dawud said: 'I asked Ziad bin Aslam about the word Mukafaatan and he said: 'Two similar sheep that are slaughtered together. It was narrated from 'Abdullah bin Buraidah, from his father, that: the Messenger of Allah offered the 'Aqiqah for Al-Hasan and Al-Husain.


The 'Aqiqah for a boy

It was narrated from Salman bin 'Amir Ad-Dabbi that the Messenger of Allah said: "For a boy there shoud be an 'Aqiqah, so shed blood for him, and remove the harm from him." it was narrated from Um Kurz that the Messenger of Allah said: "for a boy two sheep, Mukafaatan (of equal age), and for a girl, one sheep."


The Aqiqah For A Girl.

It was narrated from Umm Kurz that the Messenger of Allah said: "For a boy two sheep, Mukafaatan (of equal age), and for a girl, one sheep,


How Many Sheep Should Be Slaughtered As An 'Aqiqah For A Girl?

It was narrated that umm Kurz said: "I came to the Prophet and asked him about the sacrificial meat. I heard him say: 'For a boy, two sheep, and for a girl, one sheep, and it does not matter if they are male or female."' It was narrated from Umma Kurz that the Messenger of Allah said: "For a boy, two sheep, and or a girl, one sheep, and it does not matter if they are male or female It was narrated that Ibn 'Abbas said: "The Messenger of Allah offered an 'Aqiqah for Al-Hasan and Al-Husain, may Allah be please with them, two rams for each."


When should the 'Aqiqah be performed?

It was narrated from Qatadah, from Al-Hasan, from Samurh bin Jundab that the Messenger of Allah said: "Every boy is in pledge for his 'Aqiqah, so slaughter (the animal) for him on the seventh day, and shave his head, and a name" It was narrated from Habib bin Ash-Shahid: "Muhammad bin Sirin said to me: 'Ask Al-Hasan (Al-Basri) from whom he heard this Hadith about the 'Aqiqah.' I asked him about that and he said: 'I heard it from Samurh."'